Group shots at weddings can be hard work but they are so great to look back on. Make the most of having all your loved ones in one place and work with your wedding photographer to get the perfect shot of all of you together on your special day. Wedding photographers have a ton of tricks up their sleeve to co-ordinate guests and get the perfect group shot but heres how I like to do it……
I always like to start off by finding myself a designated helper so we can get the shots done quite quickly. This should always be someone who knows the couple very well and can help rounding up key friends and family for the group shots. Its more often than not a best man or maid of honour and they are always happy to help!
Its then that I like to get creative to get the best group shots I can, more often than not, the group needs directing, you will definitely need to take charge and be vocal in what you would like the group to do, this is no time to be shy.
Here are some examples of my best group shots with explanations below…..